Post by Reese, J. on Jul 6, 2018 21:28:14 GMT -5
Basic Information
Name: Jack Reese
Age: 27
Birth Date: 24FEB2515
Birth Place: Earth, URNA, New Jersey
Service Information
UNSC Military Identification: 0539051
Service Number: 03227-0594-JR
Rank: Lance Corporal (E-3)
MOS: 0312
Billet: Fire Team Rifleman
PFT: 290
Unit Information
Command: 22nd Marine Division
Regiment: 12th Regiment
Battalion: 1st Battalion
Company: Oscar Company
Platoon: Second Platoon
Squad: First Squad
Fire Team: Second Fire Team
Medical Information
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180lbs
Eye Color: BLU
Hair Color: RED
Blood Type: AB+
Personality Profile:
Jack is an excellent field Marine, he knows his infantry skills very well and hes very capable at his job and guiding younger Marines. Garrison life is a different story, like many infantry Marines he languishes whenever they are in the barracks and has been known to get in trouble when there is no training or real fighting to be done. If the Marines had just returned from a 2 week FTX and were now not doing anything he'd probably either be in his room drinking with the other Marines or starting a fight with another platoon with the other Marines.
Despite his experience and knowledge of infantry skills his attitude on base has gotten him into trouble previously, he at one point did make it to the rank of Corporal but he was busted down after getting an NJP for hazing some new Marines fresh from bootcamp. In stark contrast to this behavior is how he treats those he is close to. Those Marines he's known for years and those he's seen combat with are some of the closest friends he has, if you asked them to describe themselves they may say that they were hard on the younger Marines but it was all trying to make them better.
He hates the Covenant, he grew up seeing the atrocities that the covenant was capable of and he wants to make use of every opportunity to get some payback for the human lives lost in the war so far. If he respects the commander above him then he will go above and beyond to motivate his juniors and he will give 110% to accomplish his mission. For the commanders he doesn't respect he will outwardly maintain his discipline but whenever their backs are turned he'll probably encourage the more naive Marines in his unit to bend or even break the rules.
He may not be the Marine you see on a recruiting poster but he's definitely the Marine you want next to you in a foxhole.
Physical Description:
Jack has been in the Corps for several years now, despite what older Marines advised he actually re-enlisted once already. He bears the physical indications of his experience, be they tattoos, scars or his eyes that don't have the same youthful innocence they once did. His hair was originally red but due to an ever worsening receding hairline, he decided to keep his head shaved to being almost bald, despite the fact that he despises the newly minted Marines arriving to the fleet with their high-reg hair cuts. He has tanned skin due to his time spent training outdoors and he currently has several tattoos including an EGA on his left bicep, a skull on his left forearm, a crusader cross on the inside of his left forearm and Kanji on his back. There's also numerous scars on his chest, arms and legs mostly from shrapnel or falling debris.
His eyes used to be a vibrant blue but they've grown less intense as he's gotten older and now are more of a dull almost gray blue. His utility uniform is far from spit and polish like the non combat type Marines and he isn't even sure if he owns a complete set of dress blues since he hasn't worn them since bootcamp graduation.
Background Information:
Jack didn't have a very eventful childhood, he was never the biggest or the smartest or the strongest but he did learn the value of determination as a kid. He grew up in the suburbs in the center of his state and he was equally distant from just about everywhere important. His family was middle class, they struggled some times but there was always food to put on the table for him and his younger sister. His parents divorced when he was 11 which made him a tad resentful of them both and he always had problems trusting people afterwards, he always viewed everyone as potential threats.
He enjoyed being outdoors, as a kid he was in the boy scouts and he liked learning how to hunt, camp and do merit badge tasks. He was never the best or worst in school, somehow he always seemed to be somewhere in the middle. The only subject he ever really seemed to be good at was history, he like learning about people from the past and some times he would fantasize about being a knight and riding on a horse during the Crusades.
When he was graduating from high school his initial plan was to join the Marines right away but his family threatened to disown him if he didn't attend college. He went to school then not really because he cared about their feelings but more just to shut them up. He had completed two years of his education when he'd heard the news about a Covenant victory in the Outer Colonies and decided that he wouldn't put off joining up any longer. His first enlistment went how many do, the eager and motivated young Marine quickly learned what the reality of life in the Corps was like and his motivation for the things you see in recruiting commercials plummeted.
After his first deployment his commanders noted that he had demonstrated some of the best marksmanship in the unit which is what got him sent to Designated Marksman training. He's not qualified as a sniper, though, that is something he plans on volunteering for; but, he's a damn better shot than most ordinary Marines would be.
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